Join me with local teens to get the hot take on Valentine's Day:
Here we are with local teens to see if Valentine's Day is a toot or boot. Should we be continuing this lovey dovey holiday? Or is it time to move on and maybe change the meaning behind asking someone to be your valentine. Of course, we will find a way to wrap in kindness, like a little burrito, so just you wait. For now, let's get the opinion of others!

Picture of hearts made out of lights.
The Burrito
Starting on the yay for the day side is a positive point from Daphne Gilstrap, "It's for people who are too scared to talk to their crush." Exactly girl, it is a day where we are encouraged to speak our true feelings and if you regret it, you can just say it was because it was Valentine's Day. On the other hand, McKenzie Fallon brings up a great point of the whole day being overrated, even if it is cute for some people. Key word, some people, through media it gets pushed on us that everyone is celebrating this special day and not just the few people that do. This brings up a great question; who gets to celebrate this day? People in a romantic relationship, friend relationships, or family relationships. When speaking to Cali Jones we got a deeper answer, "I love Valentine's Day because it is a time when it's fine to show how much you care about someone. I love all the wonderful people in my life, and Valentine's Day is a time when I can really show my love for my people. And it's an excuse to make really cute treats." (If you don't know Cali she is a SUPERB baker) I think Cali's take is a wonderful way to view Valentine's Day, especially if you're single. This way you can display how much your family and friends mean to you and cherish the supportive people in your life.
The Tortilla
Since we are all about kindness here at Kindness is Yum, we are here for the day. Whoever you want to celebrate this day with is perfect. It is a time you can express your appreciation for people who might not know how much they mean to you. This can also be yourself! As our reader Lilly Wagenblast puts greatly, "I love chocolate, brownies, and myself." Remember, whether you like this day or not still EAT PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS!
Now it's time to hear from you: Toot or Boot?