What better way to spread kindness (and confess your love) than this?
If you're struggling to confess your love and spread some positivity this is the article for you. Especially with the Sadie's dance coming up. If you want to ask someone really badly then maybe you could pull out the; "I always thought happiness started with an 'h', but it turns out mine starts with 'u'." If you want someone to ask you, then this one you should try; "My parents always told me to follow my dreams. Can I have your Instagram?" Read on to learn more about the positive impact pickup lines can make on people's life.

You might be wondering; how would someone react if I said a pickup line to them? Well, here are some opinions from the readers themselves so you will have a small idea of what will happen. (Especially if you say it to one of these people) If you told one to Josh, he would remark, "That's a 10." Hopefully, this is out of 10. If you happened to tell one to Lauren, she would have a one-word answer that would have a really deep message behind it: "Wonderful." For Daphne it would depend on who said it and how well she knows them. Quick Tip: make sure you know the
"Wonderful." (Lauren's deep response)
person's personality and what they enjoy. If they are scared of trees, you wouldn't want to say one that mentions trees. Maybe you wouldn't want to use one at all for a select few of people. One reader said she would throw up on your shoes if you told her one. I guess when using one, wear a pair of shoes you don't care for as much. I asked Cali how her life would change if she got told a pickup line, "I would feel the heart open. I would be able to love a person more fully and be able to see the world around me more vividly." Another response to this from an anonymous reader was, "It would change my perspective of them. Who they are as a person. What they feel toward me and the world. How their brain works. How life is supposed to be lived." Even something as simple as a pickup line can give someone a view on who you are, so make sure you pick a good one.
As you can see this trick is amazing and will have positive results.* Just make sure to assess the person you are telling it too, so you can get the right reaction. And of course, keep Eating People with Kindness!
*This is not a guaranteed result and not scientifically proven.
Would you want someone to ask you out with a pickup line?
I would marry them right then and there
I guess... it would make a good story
I feel like I can finally confess my love!!